07850 627 917

What we do
Using psychology to make a difference
We are able to use evidence-based psychology to work at an individual, group or systems level. Our remit is to support the learning and wellbeing of children and young people from birth through to 25 years.
In the past we have worked in a variety of situations where children may have had difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
social communication (including ASD)
emotional regulation
attention (including ADHD)
developing reading/writing/numeracy skills (including dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia)
memory and processing speed
general learning difficulties
getting into trouble at school
anxiety or low mood
low self-esteem
sensory processing
emotionally based school avoidance
For any individual support we always work collaboratively with the child/ young person and the people who know them best. The following list of services is not exhaustive and we understand that each situation is unique. If you would like to discuss psychological work in any capacity please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of the page.
For Families
All pieces of work will begin with an initial consultation to discuss your child's strengths and areas of difficulty and plan ways forward. It usually works best if this takes place at your child's educational setting alongside teachers that know them well. However, we recognise that this is not always possible and therefore also offer home visits and the option of sending questionnaires to school staff for information gathering purposes.
We are able to undertake thorough assessments using a variety of standardised and non standardised tests, including cognitive assessment, neuropsychological assessment, assessment for Specific Learning Difficulties (also known as dyslexia/dyscalculia) and assessments to support applications for exam access arrangements.
We provide comprehensive reports including recommendations and jointly agreed targets. These are usually shared as part of a feedback meeting but can also be sent in the post on request. Our reports can be used as evidence to contribute to a request for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.

For Schools and Settings
- Embedded consultative model to empower parents, school staff and other professionals to apply the psychology underpinning learning to drive real change for children and young people.
- Consultation can be used to address issues at an individual, group or systemic level.
- Focuses on identifying what is working well and what needs support to change using a solution-focused joint problem solving approach.
- Eliciting the voice and views of children and young people using appropriate methodology.
- Observation in a variety of settings, including at home or school.
- Individualised assessment including the use of standardised and non-standardised tests.
- Thorough and psychologically sound conceptualisations of the learning profile of children and young people based on applied scientific methods and a holistic understanding of development.
- Detailed reports to contribute to evidence for an Educational, Health and Care needs assessment request.
- Teaching and learning approaches.
- Individual and group interventions based on cognitive behavioural psychology or solution-focused principles.
- A range of bespoke training packages, devised and delivered to meet the needs of clients. This includes training for staff and parents.
- Research and implementation of projects in schools.
Examples of training packages available:
- Obtaining the voices and views of young people with SEND
- Reading and literacy development
- Maths development
- Supporting students with dyslexia/ ADHD/ ASD
- Attachment friendly classrooms and schools
- Supporting students with emotional regulation